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2022 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 국제학술대회 개최 안내

주제 : 초연결시대의 병리적 문제(Pathology in Hyper-Connected Age)


일시(Date) : 2022.4.29(금,Fri) 13:00 / 4.30(토,Sat) 10: 00


주최(Host) : Humanities Institute/ Department of Humanities Therapy, Kangwon National University, Korea/ Institute for Science, Technology and Society, Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University, China


공동주최(Co-Host) : Institute of Life and Death Studies, Hallym University, Korea / Korean Society of Humanities Therapy, Korea/ Jiangsu Association for Dialectics of Nature, China


후원(Sponsor) : National Research Foundation of Korea, Kangwon National University, Nanjing University, Hallym University 


Zoom ID: 871 8843 1788
