학술지         Journal of Humanities Therapy         Policies


Editorial Policy

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. Publication

The journal is published bi-annually; June 30 and December 31.

Chapter 2. Editorial Board

Article 2. Composition and Terms of Service

The Editorial Board is composed of an editor, a managing editor, and generally includes an average of less than twenty-five board members and an editorial staff. The renewable term of service is two years.

Article 3. Responsibility

The Board is responsible for the whole process of reviewing and makes decisions necessary for publishing. The editor convenes editorial meetings for journal publication. In addition to conventional meetings, online meetings and teleconferences are available.

Chapter 3. Refereeing

Article 4. Selection of Referees

The Editorial Board selects two experts in the field of the submitted manuscript as referees.

Article 5. Criteria for Refereeing

Referees are asked to evaluate the manuscript according to the following criteria.

  1. (1) Suitability as an academic journal article
  2. (2) Appropriateness of the research method
  3. (3) Creativity of the research subject
  4. (4) Completeness of the content
  5. (5) Degree of completion of paper writing
  6. (6) Appropriateness of the paper abstract
  7. (7) Accuracy of reference citation

Article 6. Referee’s decision

Referees make their reports by using the following form.

Criteria for examination Examination result
1. Suitability as an academic journal article (20) Excellent(20), good(16), moderate(12), somewhat poor(8), very poor(4)
2. Appropriateness of the research method (20) Excellent(20), good(16), moderate(12), somewhat poor(8), very poor(4)
3. Creativity of the research subject (10) Excellent(20), good(16), moderate(12), somewhat poor(8), very poor(4)
4. Completeness of the content (10) Excellent(20), good(16), moderate(12), somewhat poor(8), very poor(4)
5. Degree of completion of paper writing(10) Excellent(20), good(16), moderate(12), somewhat poor(8), very poor(4)
6. Appropriateness of the paper abstract(10) Excellent(20), good(16), moderate(12), somewhat poor(8), very poor(4)
7. Accuracy of reference citation (10) Excellent(20), good(16), moderate(12), somewhat poor(8), very poor(4)
Total Score 90-100 70-89 60-69 0-59
Result Accept Accept after minor revisions Review again after major revisions Reject

Article 7. Referee’s decision

The editor makes the final decision with respect to the following criteria.

Review 1 Review 2 Final Decision
Accept Accept Publish without editor’s request
Accept Accept after revision Publish with editor’s recommendation and author’s revision
Accept Reject (total score over 120) After being determined appropriate by the editorial board, Publish with editor’s recommendation and author’s revision
Accept Reject (total score under 120)Reject
Accept after revision Accept after revision Publish with editor’s recommendation and author’s revision
Accept after revision Reject Not publish
Reject Reject Not publish

Chapter 4. Manuscript Submission

Article 8. Submission

  1. 1. The manuscript should be submitted to: https://knuinmun.jams.or.kr/co/main/jmMain.kci.
  2. 2. A sample article is available on the website, https://knuinmun.jams.or.kr. This is a Hankeul or Micro Word file which is designed to ensure that your article is prepared in the right way for publication.
  3. 3. The Korean contributor must pay the publication fee when it is confirmed to be published. The publication fee are as follows.
  4. *Publication fee:
  5. General(비전임100,000KRW 전임200,000KRW)
  6. Beneficiary (400,000KRW)

Article 9. Formatting Requirements

  1. 1. The manuscript should be written in order of title, author's name, an abstract, key words, the body, and references.
  2. 2. The manuscript should not exceed 12,000 words in length including footnotes and references in case of a paper and 1,500 words in case of review essay. All manuscripts must include an abstract of 150 or fewer words and five to ten key words.
  3. 3. The author's name must be provided on a separate cover sheet, along with institutional affiliation, mailing address, and email address.
  4. 4. The manuscript should be written in Microsoft word or Hankeul format.
  5. 5. For a collaborative research manuscript, the name of the lead author should be followed by co-researchers.
  6. 6. The manuscript should follow the format specified in the lead editorial regulations.

Article 10. Specifications for Table, Figure, Footnote, and Reference

  1. 1. Tables and Figures
    1. (1) Tables and Figures should be completely understandable, independent of the text. Each table and figure must be mentioned in the text, given a title (placed in the center above the table or the figure), and consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals.
    2. (2) Title of Table and Figure: [Table *], [Figure *], center-justified. The first letter of each title is capitalized while the preposition is not.
  2. 2. Footnote:
    1. (1) One author: D. Hume (1741), p. 83. R. Carnap (1950), pp. 127-128.
    2. (2) More than one author: A. F. Whitehead and B. Russell (1910), p. 35. A. F. Whitehead and B. Russell (1910), pp. 35-36.
    3. (3) Within a parenthesis, arrange two or more works by different authors in chronological order. (D. Hume 1741, A. F. Whitehead and B. Russell 1910, R. Carnap 1950)
    4. (4) Arrange two or more works by the same author by year of publication. Separate the citations with semicolons. (R. Carnap, 1922, 1928a, 1928b, 1950)
  3. 3. Reference:
    1. (1) All sources cited in the text must be included alphabetically in the reference list. Below are examples of entries for, respectively, a journal article, a book, a magazine or newspaper article, a doctoral dissertation or master's thesis, and a citation from Internet resources. It follows the order of book and paper reference, Internet resources, and newspapers.
    2. (1) Journal articles
      • Árdal, P. 1977. “Convention and Value,” in G.P. Morice ed., David Hume: Bicentenary Papers. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, pp. 51–68.
      • Amir, L. 2018. “An Answer to the Reviewers of Amir’s Rethinking Philosophers’ Responsibility (2017)”. Journal of Humanities Therapy 9(1), pp. 97-124.
      • Anderson, R. L. 1994, “Nietzsche’s Will to Power as a Doctrine of the Unity of Science”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 25(5), pp. 729–750.
    3. (2) Books
      • Carnap, R. 1950. Logical Foundations of Probability. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
      • Griffin, N. and Linsky, B. eds. 2013. The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
      • Whitehead, A. N. and Russell, B. 1910. Principia Mathematica, vol 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    4. (3) Internet resources:


Article 11. Copyright

Manuscripts should be submitted to Journal of Humanities Therapy with the understanding that upon acceptance for publication copyright will be transferred to the Humanities Institute, Kangwon national University.

Chapter 5. Supplementary Provision

Article 12

  1. 1. This policy shall take effect from December 2010.
  2. 2. This policy shall take effect from December 2011.
  3. 3. This policy shall take effect from December 2012.
  4. 4. This policy shall take effect from December 2013.
  5. 5. This policy shall take effect from December 2014.
  6. 6. This policy shall take effect from December 2015.
  7. 7. This policy shall take effect from December 2016.
  8. 8. This policy shall take effect from December 2017.
  9. 9. This policy shall take effect from July 2018.

Research Ethics Policy

Article 1. Objective

The Research Ethics Policy aims to establish the general code of ethics that should be abided by scholars or experts who submit manuscripts or contributions to Journal of Humanities Therapy published by the Humanities Institute, Kangwon National University.

Article 2. Compliance with Research Ethics

Manuscripts published in Journal of Humanities Therapy should be written in accordance with the ethics policy.

Article 3. Ethical Guide for Author

  1. 1. Plagiarism

    The researcher may not misrepresent any part of another author's research or articles as if they were the researcher's own. Presenting another author's ideas and research results without proper citations and references is considered plagiarism.

  2. 2. Citation and Reference

    Authors should represent the work of others clearly and accurately in the text or footnotes.

  3. 3. Authorship

    For collaborative research, the authorship of research publications should accurately reflect individual contributions to the work and its reporting.

  4. 4. The author should not re-publish his or her published research results as original work without proper notification.
  5. 5. Multiple Submissions

    The author should not concurrently submit the manuscript to more than one publication.

Article 4. Ethical Guide for the Editorial Board

  1. 1. Responsibility

    The editorial Board is responsible for assessing the submitted manuscript and making publication decisions.

  2. 2. Fairness

    The Editorial Board should treat the submitted manuscript fairly, and consult referees who have sufficient expert knowledge to provide objective judgment on the manuscript.

  3. 3. Confidentiality

    The Editorial Board members should not disclose any information about the author or the manuscript before the final decision is made.

Article 5. Ethical Guide for Referees

  1. 1. Fair Assessment

    The referee should fairly assess the manuscript under consideration according to objective criteria.

  2. 2. Responsibility of Report

    It a referee suspects that the author may have submitted the paper in the same or similar form to another publication, or is under consideration for another publication, or suspects that plagiarism has occurred, this should be discretely reported to the journal editor.

  3. 3. Confidentiality

    The referee should remain confidential regarding the manuscript under consideration. The referee should not cite the text of the manuscript until it has been published in the journal.

Article 6. Supplementary Provision

  1. 1. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2010.
  2. 2. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2011.
  3. 3. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2012.
  4. 4. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2013.
  5. 5. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2014.
  6. 6. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2015.
  7. 7. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2016.
  8. 8. This Research Ethics Policy shall take effect from December 2017.