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[Extension] Call for Papers: Journal of Humanities Therapy from Humani

Call for Papers: 

Journal of Humanities Therapy from Humanities Institute, Kangwon National University


Journal of Humanities Therapy is an academic journal published by Humanities Institute at Kangwon National University. It is an international journal published in English and listed by the National Research Foundation of Korea. The articles published in the journal are freely accessible on the journal’s website, in the name of its vocation to motivate and promote international discussions and exchanges. 

Published twice a year (June 30, December 31), the Journal of Humanities Therapy is open to all original works on theoretical, empirical, and methodological subjects related to humanities and/or therapy. Preference is on the contributions to history, theory, model, practice and case report in humanities therapy.


Notes to Contributors

1. Submission for Volume 11, Issue 2 (Published on December 31, 2020)

- Deadline: November 10, 2020

- All manuscript should be submitted to the online submission system (https://knuinmun.jams.or.kr/co/main/jmMain.kci) or the editors by email (jht.knu.2010@gmail.com)


2. Accepted Paper Types

- Original paper, review essay, book review


3. Required Writing Format

- The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word or Hangul (standard Korean word processor provided by Hancom Office)

- MLA style for citations and bibliographies is required. All cited work must be referred to embedded notes in the text and listed at the end of the paper. Footnotes should be used only when necessary for extra explanations.

- The author's name must be indicated on a separate cover sheet, along with institutional affiliation, mailing address, and email address.

- Original papers: abstract (within 150 words), main text (within 6000 characters), keywords (5-6), and references

- Review essays: abstract (within 150 words), main text (within 3000 characters), keywords (5-6), and references 

- Book review: main text (within 1500 characters)


4. Referees and publication fees for papers

- Humanities Institute provides the referring fee for all submissions.

  • - No publication fee will be charged for all papers accepted. However, in case of funded papers, 300,000 KRW will be charged for publication.


※ For more information, please contact 

- E-mail: jht.knu.2010@gmail.com

- Phone: +82 (033) 250-7802​  
